Impounded car insurance can help you in the retrieval of an impounded car. When you produce your car documentation to the police pound, you must produce insurance documentation valid for at least 30 days. Not all insurance policies are accepted, as some regular car insurance policies particularly exclude the use of releasing cars from the police pound.
The policy is particularly designed for that purpose. It is a 30-day policy for impounded car insurance.
The cover is third-party only. Suppose you have been handed an impound notice by the police for not having insurance on a car. In that case, this insurance policy will provide you with suitable insurance documentation to recover the impounded vehicle.
Using One-Day Impound Insurance to Release Your Car
You just can’t use an insurance policy issued for one day to secure the release of an impounded car from the police pound. To release an impounded vehicle, the registered owner will require a special one-day impound insurance policy that is valid. At Release My Vehicle, we can provide cover for the legal owner for a 30-day short-term impounded car insurance policy by visiting our website.
Short-Term Car Insurance Will be Perfect for:
- Quick cover from 1 to 28 days without placing the no-claims bonus at risk
- Lending a car to a friend, relative, or colleague
- Borrowing a car from a colleague, friend, or relative
- Quick drive-away insurance if you have just purchased the car
- Unaccompanied car demonstrations
Who Can Take Out Short-Term Car Insurance?
- Drivers are aged between 18 and 75.
- Any driver with a current full UK driving license held for a minimum of 6 months or a provisional driving license
- Any driver who has been a resident of the UK for 1 year or more.
You can get an insurance quote for short-term car insurance in a few minutes. Kindly note that there is no discount for purchasing short-term car insurance online. Wording for your short-term car insurance will be available when you get an insurance quote.
Why Do the Police Impound Uninsured Vehicles?
Under the Road Traffic Law, the police and other authorities have the right to impound any vehicle that is being driven without a valid insurance policy or where the driver does not have a valid license.
If the driver has committed the offense or the police fail to establish insurance cover being placed at the roadside, the car will be impounded and taken to the police pound, where you will be charged release charges plus a daily storage fee until the vehicle is retrieved.
There is a strict time limit of 14 days, as explained in the impound notice. That will be given to you at the roadside. After the deadline, there is a huge risk that your vehicle will be scrapped or sold at auction. With Release My Vehicle impounds the insurance policy. We will deliver your certificate of insurance by mail as soon as your payment has been received.
As an insurance provider, we have been helping to arrange impound insurance in the UK for many years. In recent years, being able to purchase insurance coverage from insurance providers has become normal for so many people. We have designed our business model to suit the new shopping experience and developed various options for temporary car insurance.
Now, with many years of experience in providing insurance for impounded cars in just a few minutes, you can purchase 30-day insurance coverage online or the release of an impounded vehicle. You should be able to meet the strict acceptance criteria before purchasing our one-day impound insurance coverage. Just contact us right now, and we will help you release your impounded vehicle.

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